On 7 June 2023, the Global Energy Efficiency Conference 2023 took place in Versailles, at the end of which the International Energy Agency (IEA) drew up the report ‘Energy Efficiency – The Decade for Action‘: global investments in energy efficiency 2023 are expected to reach record levels, increasing by another 50 per cent compared to 2022. But for the sector to make a clear contribution to energy security and global warming targets, the figure will have to triple by the end of the decade.

If it is true that investment in energy efficiency 2023 will exceed USD 600 billion, it is also true that by 2030 it would have to rise to as much as USD 1.8 trillion in order to increase the efficiency rate from 2.2 per cent to 4 per cent. The latter value, explains the IEA, would bring us in line with the Agency’s Net Zero Scenario, reducing global energy demand by 190 EJ and CO2 emissions by almost 11 Gt by 2030: i.e. almost a third of current global energy consumption and emissions. Not to mention all the positive knock-on effects that would affect society: from employment (a possible 12 million new jobs) to health benefits and universal access to energy.

Sources: rinnovabili.it, huffingtonpost.it