On 2 March 2024, a new decree-law describing new incentives for energy efficiency was published in the Official Gazette. This is the text that writes the rules of the new Transition 5.0 Plan.

The plan is dedicated to all companies that make new investments in production facilities located in Italy, as part of innovation projects that achieve a reduction in energy consumption. The reduction in consumption must be at least 3% of the energy consumption of the production structure.

One of the biggest novelties of the Transition 5.0 plan is that Annex B, the one dedicated to software, is expanded, providing eligibility for incentives also for systems for plant intelligence that guarantee the continuous monitoring and visualisation of energy consumption and self-produced and self-consumed energy, or introduce energy efficiency mechanisms, through the collection and processing of data also from IoT field sensors. These are in fact consumption monitoring systems, although part of a broader ERP system.

QUANTUM Lighting realises turnkey interventions on lighting systems, achieving energy savings of more than 70% and a 95% reduction in maintenance costs. Due to the fact that all interventions carried out by Quantum lead to an average reduction in energy consumption of more than 10%, the incentive rates will be 45%, for investments of up to EUR 2.5 million.

QUANTUM also offers its own special application software, which allows complete control of the lighting system via a hierarchically arranged network of interconnections, enabling each individual lighting point to be remotely controlled according to predefined sensor inputs or profiles, alarms to be managed and consumption/savings to be reported.

Sources: mimit.gov.it, innovationpost.it