Light is strongly influenced by solstice periods, the shortest and longest days of the year.
The boreal solstice defines the beginning of a period that has meant rebirth and abundance for many millennia, even though it precedes the coldest months of the year. It is a culmination, because from the next day, you “will gain” 4 seconds more daylight per day, until the summer solstice, the opposite climax.

In the design phase, whether we are talking about outdoor lighting or indoor lighting on an industrial site, the latitude in which you are located, the exposure to the sun and the amount of transparent surfaces that characterise the environments to be lit are fundamental inputs.

These data are part of the countless variables that our professionals have to manage in a practical and concrete way in order to achieve the ergonomic, safety, economic and energy-saving objectives that every intelligent LED lighting project requires.

Electric light must give continuity to daylight, it must be calibrated in the best possible way and knowing how to manage the transition phases between daylight and artificial light is part of a correctly designed, installed and tested lighting system.

Quantum’s experience and control system is capable of managing the amount of daylight that affects each individual lighting point as well as “calibrating” its intensity and quality.

Being sure that you can rely on professionals is essential.