In the difficult battle for a more environmentally friendly world, an important item is the issue of WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment).

Abandoning these items poses problems, as they are usually composed of toxic substances and are not biodegradable in the environment. This is why it is essential to treat these materials correctly, at suitably equipped centres, as provided for by the laws in force, and to allocate them to the differentiated recovery of their components (iron, copper, steel, aluminium, glass, silver, gold, lead, mercury), avoiding a waste of resources for the construction of new equipment, as well as respecting environmental sustainability.


In Italy, not all regions are equally effective in collecting WEEE: the podium is occupied by the North, with Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto in the front row. Molise and Basilicata are particularly struggling.


Quantum, carrying out turnkey projects for the redevelopment of lighting systems, must necessarily also deal with the disposal of old lighting systems, thus meeting specific regulatory requirements and the need to properly manage the disposal of lamps which, as already mentioned, can be harmful to the environment in which we live.

The cornerstone of the national regulatory framework on waste from electrical and electronic equipment is Legislative Decree No. 49 of 14 March 2014, which transposes European Directive 2012/19/EU on WEEE, which came into force on 13 August 2012, replacing the previous directives.
